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The Principal of college has to play multi-faceted roles in the institutes. She has to discharge a number of responsibilities for administration and management of the college.

Being the head of the College, she plays the role of a patron, custodian, administrator and guide, etc. she is the academic and the administrative head of the institution.

Hence,She is liable to follow certain code of conduct proclaimed by UGC, The Ministry of Higher Education in the Centre and Department of Higher Education, Govt. of Madhya Pradesh.

These codes, in general, are applicable for teachers also.

  • The Principal should be fair and reasonable to all the stake holder.
  • She should propagate the spirit of welfare with all sections of institution and build mutual support and co-operation among them.
  • She should work for the promotion of academic and research activities among teachers and scholars with focus on maximum active participation of students in extension activities going throughout the year.
  • Being the academic head of the college, the principal is supposed to uphold the ethos of inclusiveness in imparting and disseminating education.
  • She is responsible for maintaining discipline in the institution for healthy academic environment.
  • She should protect the collective interest of different sections of institutions to ensure their best performance in the interest of the college as a whole.
  • She should dispense with social justice for all the stake holders, regardless of their caste, creed, religion, sex, etc. within the frame work of national constitution.
  • As the Principal is entrusted with exercise of financial powers, she should discharge his duties with all integrity, judiciously and indiscriminately and ensure that financial record is well placed in order.
  • The Principal should ensure the equality of opportunity and responsibilities for each staff member to ensure non-discriminatory system.