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  • Every student must carry his/her identity card to prove his/her identity.
  • Use of mobile is strictly prohibited within the college campus.
  • Students must park their vehicles locked at the parking place only.
  • Students are under CCTV surveillance 24x7 hours. Their every activity is recorded in CCTV.
  • A minimum of 75% attendance is compulsory for every student failing which he/she may not be allowed to appear at examination.
  • Every student is supposed to check the notice board before leaving college premises.
  • Students are also required to check messages on their WhatsApp group and be e-mail friendly.
  • Every student shall be accountable to the college authority for his/ her activities and conduct while at college premises.
  • Students are allowed neither to write anything on the walls of the college building nor to circulate any printed material within the campus.
  • All students must be punctual and regular in attending classes for appearing at tests and CCEs or any extension activities at premises.
  • Any action which amounts to indiscipline is a punishable offence.
  • Use of any unfair means in any form and exchange of answer sheet is a punishable act under university ordinance.
  • Students are not allowed to invite their friends or students from other institutions.
  • Students must come to college properly dressed.
  • Every student must behave respectfully with teaching, non-teaching and fellow community.
  • Any damage to college property or college community is a punishable act which may lead to penalty or suspension from class/college.
  • Anti-social activities within the campus are strictly prohibited and punishable as well.
  • Ragging is a punishable offence. It is strongly prohibited within college campus. It is mandatory for all students to adhere to this.
  • Disciplinary action under rules shall be taken against the concerned student in case of violation code of conduct.
  • During the class hours, students are not allowed to play games even in a small group as it disturbs class-teaching.
  • Only girls have right to enter the Girl’s Common Room. Violation of this instruction is a punishable act.
  • Smoking, chewing, and spitting tobacco products and consumption of alcoholic drinks/drugs are strictly prohibited within the campus failing which is a punishable offence under prevailing rules.
  • Students must maintain perfect silence in the reading room in library. Any act of theft, mishandling with teaching or non-teaching staff or tempering with books in library or with computer system is punishable and attracts penalty.
  • Students must maintain academic integrity at all levels.
  • Repeated breach of code of conduct amounts to serious offence which shall lead to suspension from the college.
  • Students must follow the rules and regulations implemented from time to time by the Department of Higher Education Govt. of M.P. and the Head of the Institution.
(Dr.Kirti Vishwakarma)